Week 2 – When Would You Want to Know?

Week 2 – When Would You Want to Know?

Dreams Gold KeyAwww… I wrote my definite major purpose (DMP). “It’s a process.” I’ve modified it three times now — with guidance — and I’m pretty pleased with the result, but wait! We’re coming up on Week 3 and we’re working on the DMP for the first 4 weeks.  So I’m sure I’m not done — but I am proud of my progress so far.

A couple of years ago, I was talking to a good friend about . . . money and life, and he asked me this question: “If something  you believed to be true wasn’t true, when would you want to know? ”

That was a very sobering question.  I had much the same experience during the week 2 webinar. They didn’t ask me that specific question — but they did ask questions, and then we had to find the answers to those questions and some of them were picking away at things I thought I knew.

In week 1’s post I wrote, There is something that drives me — but it’s playing hide and seek, and I’ve yet to fully identify it.”  In week 2, Master Key Experience delved into what drives us, and they helped us identify it.  I don’t know about anyone else, but about the time I realized I had quiet tears rolling down my face, I figured out that there was something I’d been missing.

I’m not a crier.  I’ve spent years conditioning myself to a neutral stance so things don’t get to me; and that slipped completely past my radar and now, of course, Mr. Left Brain has to analyze it.  He’s still analyzing, but for now I just accept their explanation — I was just in the moment.

I knew that we all have dreams, and that we’re all looking to satisfy something: “Yes, we know you want the money, but why do you want the money, what’s it going to get you ?”  Peace of mind! “Okay, what does that really mean to you?” But I learned that even after that question is answered, there’s at least one deeper level of need that has to be addressed and satisfied; and most of us aren’t aware of it!  Our personal pivotal needs (PPNs). At this phase mine seem to be a) helping others and b) autonomy.  And unless those are taken care of we will still have a nagging sense of “but there’s more” that will keep us restless. And that is what they helped me identify last Sunday, and to clarify with my mentor during the week.

Truthfully, if I had my druthers, I’ll do without those tear things, moment or no moment. But we were warned at the onset, “… this is a journey of self discovery.  We won’t tell you what to think, but we will teach you HOW to think so you can discover these answers for yourself.”  Good start.

And more thing about last week’s webinar. I was most affected by Mark J.  It was mid-way through the webinar when I realized the level of passion this man felt for what he was teaching, and the energy he emitted  was almost palpable. That was exceptional.

So, I’m in for the count. I promise. And I always keep my promises.

See you next time.

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