Week 18: O… M…G

Week 18: O… M…G

lightning-strike.jpg O M G!
Dear MasterMnders:

Something very interesting just happened with this week’s lesson, and you may not have noticed, so I’m going to tell you… so you don’t miss it!

In 18 weeks of masterminding, we’ve gotten the lesson, done the sit and been told, “contemplate this… visualize this… think about this…”  This lesson is different. This week’s lesson — line 33 — states, “This week… concentrate upon your power to create…

We have just been given an assignment to make something happen; to use our thoughts to intentionally create a result; to take everything we’ve been learning in the past 18 weeks and ‘take her for a drive.’  At least that’s how I read it.

And just to make sure we didn’t miss it, the closing quote from Emerson: “There is no thought in my mind but it quickly tends to convert itself into a power and organizes a huge instrumentality of means…”

We’ve got homework, my friends… and I expect a very interesting two weeks.

Happy manifesting!

14 thoughts on “Week 18: O… M…G

  1. I’m in total agreement, Kelvin. It is about experiencing our power to create in our physical worlds. Thanks for giving us all the added boost to wake up and know we’ve got our work to do and it’s great work!!

    You GO, Kelvin!

    1. When I first saw that… I got nervous. Except, that I’d just spent the last hour reading 17HJ for the final time and having an outload conversation with Subby. Had a situation earlier that day when I was trying to find something I’d misplaced, but I needed it. I kept telling Subby “you know where it is; I’m not going to get stressed, but just show it to me so I can get it.” 10 minutes later it was in my hand, and I would NEVER have thought to look where I found it. I just said “thank you; I appreciate it…” and read “intuition when appreciated will show up more often.” LOL. So I thanked Subby AGAIN and gave him a high 5 — sort of. LOL. Then I gave him a job to do in the next 30 days 😉 I”ll keep you posted.

  2. I feel like I have an unfair advantage… seeing as we talk often lmao!
    I just have to say for the world to read… You have totally picked the right career and path, Kelvin… You are inspiring, your energy is motivating and intoxicating!!! I too am excited… thanks for being a part of my life! xo

    1. You are so kind, my friend. Thank you for such affirming words. I appreciate you, and I love what I do. Thank you also for being you — and allowing me to be me, without objection. LOL. Now… what awesomeness shall we create over the next two weeks? I gave my subby a job yesterday. He and I will be talking DAILY 🙂 and I shall be listening. LOL. Talk soon.

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